So Many Capes… So Little Time

OK guys I have a serious problem… I’m an addict… (actually I’m addicted to a lot of things… licorice, Doritos, buying magazines….) but the most recent one that’s become a slight problem is buying capes. Last year alone I bought two, one from Max Mara and one from Zara… and now so far this year I’ve bought the Burberry Poncho (I posted about it a couple weeks ago) and now I’ve bought this Brixton X UO Lucille Cape from Urban Outfitters. The good news is that it’s relatively cheap, $99 (keep in mind my Burberry one cost like $1500) so it doesn’t take too much of a toll on my bank account… but the problem is that I need to stop buying capes! Keep in mind this is on top of the mountains of coats and jackets I own. Guys I seriously need help… but first look at this cute cape. Isn’t it pretty? Ugh weather, please change so I can start wearing my Fall stuff and stop feeling so guilty!


Brixton X UO Lucille Cape ($99)

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